Shoulder Special

Shoulder Special

How We Can Help Your Shoulders

The shoulder is a complex joint. It is an inherently mobile joint, which allows us to move throughout multiple planes of motion, with many degrees of freedom. Because it is so mobile, it is very prone to injury and pain. Furthermore, shoulder dysfunction can be due to, or related to dysfunction in the neck or mid back (it is all connected as we know). This makes it important to only make sure the shoulder is moving efficiently, but also to make sure that the neck and mid back are moving efficiently.

When we evaluate our patients, we always examine not only the shoulder, but the cervical (neck) spine and thoracic (mid back) spine to find the root issue of the shoulder pain, weakness, and/or dysfunction. We can strengthen and treat your shoulder all day, but if the neck and mid back are stiff, weak, or not moving as they should, the shoulder will not perform optimally either.

We are here for you. If you wish  to take advantage of this special, book a session with one of our physical therapists.  We will examine, assess, and treat your shoulder to get you back to doing the things you love and without pain or difficulty. We will also give you recommendations and advice on how you can perform self-treatments and exercises tailored to your specific needs.

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